
Uisonnâ anatiâredo.

The return of the souls of Drus (the World Tree) and Tarvos can be celebrated on the spring equinox, quarter moon, or full moon nearest to the spring equinox on either side, depending on when spring occurs in your local environment.

As the spring returns and the sun lovingly shines its light to warm the cold depths of winter, under the light of the moon, the soul of Drus and Tarvos return, with Drus regrowing from the cuts Esus had made in winter and Tarvos readying to defend Drus from the ills of the world. This holiday is a time to celebrate the renewal of land and life, build new ventures, and renew your relationships with loved ones.

This holiday builds on things discussed here and here.

Below is a ritual that you can follow.

[light candle/other flame source]

Oh great Drus, you whose mighty boughs reach into Albios

Whose deep roots reach into Dumnos

And whose great trunk brings the realms together in Bitus

We ask that this season you keep those under your great boughs safe

We give this offering to strengthen and ease your return

[give offering]

Tarvos Trigaranus, you who are reborn 

Progenerator of Drus, you who gave your life to Drus

Stalwart guardian of the World Tree

We ask that this season you teach us piety and give us the strength to fulfil our duties

We give this offering to quicken your growth so you may defend your charge

[give offering]

Belatucadrus, fair warrior and defender of the herd

God of the springtime and warrior at the wall

Bull Horned God, you of the new shoots

We beseech you to take Drus, Tarvos and ourselves under your charge

Defend us as you did the herds of old and allow milk and honey to flow

We give this offering in thanks for your aid

[give offering]

We celebrate and thank you all for the spring and the bounties of the season to come

And vow to live our lives in honour of the sacrifices you have made

And strive to live to the standards you have set

We praise you all

We thank you all

Gods be with us

[final offering and feast time]