To Windoridius and Damona

The silver eye, shining gently upon the land,

Beckons the waves and waters to rise and dance,

Illuminating and creating paths out of the inky dark.

Grace us with your presence Windoridius, luminous rider of the night,

Bless us and beckon your progeny, summon up your most beloved,

We are cleansed in the presence of your silver flame,

We are born anew in you.


Come Pella-isama, most wise granddaughter of the moon,

Come herd-mother, gentlest and greatest of the fields,

We feel you in the cool of night, soothed by your love as if by a gentle breeze,

We see you in the gathering clouds, rejuvenated by you as if by timely rains,

We hear you in the roaring rivers, our mind and worries washed away as if by wonderous waves,

We taste you in the fresh harvest, in the honey and milk, our bodies strengthened as if by the deepest of sleeps,

We smell you in the soil after rain and the fresh blooms, our souls uplifted as if by your very hand.

You are the lady of the waters, Donā Dubronon, the most clear and pure,

The winding rivers and rushing waves are your flesh and blood, and your gift to us.

You appear to us cloaked in beautiful blossoms and lapis lazuli, the most beautiful of the Gods,

Where you step clovers bloom and bees swarm, waters spring from your footprints and milk and honey flows.

Like bulls we rush into milk, like rams we fall into honey, and we have wine as our fortunate honour.

We are reborn in your clear waters, anointed by your prosperity, we pour out our wine for you.

We praise you with our hands and hearts Damona, august anointer and lady of the waters,

Our land and lives are blessed by you and your kine, we keep you in our hearts always.


Windoridius, luminous rider, fly through the starry heaven and spread the news of your most beloved,

Tell the stars and the clouds of Damona, most-wise and beautiful of all the Gods,

We send our prayers and praise with you,

Carry them upon your silver steed to the horizon and around again,

Fill the void with our love for you and yours.