Atenoux ritual to Brixta and Luxovios 

Set up 

One ‘lead’ candle which is lit first, one candle for each quarter, and eight candles for the final invocation. Arranged whatever way you like. Plus offerings of food, water, incense, etc.  

Opening the Space 

[Ring bell three times clockwise] 

I ask that all who wish attend do so, 

And those who do not, leave now. 


Brigantia, flame of the oppida, 

Bring down the fire from Albios, 

Light our hearths and minds, 

With the sacred flame of knowledge. 

[light the first flame] 

The quarters 

I pray to you, Gods of the East, you who are bright, and ask that you confer good guidance and protection on us. 

[light the eastern candle] 

I pray to you, Gods of the West, you who are resting, and ask that you confer good guidance and protection on us. 

[light the western candle] 

I pray to you, Gods of the North, you who are scorching, and ask that you confer good guidance and protection on us. 

[light the northern candle] 

I pray to you, Gods of the South, you who are frigid, and ask that you confer good guidance and protection on us. 

[light the southern candle] 


[light the eight candles, either at once or line by line] 

We stand before flickering flames, 

Arms outstretched and heart open, 

Seeking You who took the first-oath, 

Grand Torch-bearer – Lord of Foxes. 

The night is bright – still we don’t see,  

We ask that you light the misty night,  

Hold forth your torch – loose the wild fires,  

We are but kindling to your touch.  


You are the still source of all words, 

The well from which all sure speech spills,  

Your whisperings are the very winds, 

The words you speak like weather.  

Light peaks and night seeks - beneath you, 

The dark – like mist, swirls in around, 

Cloak us in flames – light up the dark,  

We see you in the starry sea.  


We give this offering to you both,  fox and swan.  

[give offerings] 

We find you in the brightest light, 

Just as in the darkest of nights, 

You are the surest of sounds, 

The lashing waves and soothing silence, 

You are the weather which brings down mountains, 

Which gives birth to forests,  

You are the breath which fills our lungs, 

The force which drives our devotion, 

You are the smoke of sacrifice which laces the air, 

The essence of sacred gifts, 

You are the misty magics in which we lose ourselves, 

And the fire with which we find ourselves, 

Brixta – first and last.  

Brixta – seeker and sought. 

Brixta – all and naught.  

Closing the space 

Praise to those who attended us, 

Take part in the offerings, 

Dede bratou dekanten.  

[ring the bell three times, clockwise] 

[blow out the candles and or let them burn down]