Mission statement.

Tegos Runos, the House of Secrets, is a hall in which followers of Gaulish polytheism can explore the deeper mysteries of myth, magic and divinity to fulfil the tenets of Sepanioi Roti. The tenets are:

Strive for balance - Adiatet are-talos

Spread joy and happiness - Starnat lubis etik lawenon

Nourish the soul - Makarnit anaman

The primary activity of Tegos Runos, however, is the development of an ecstatic and mystic expression of Gaulish polytheism with theological works to support such an effort. It is and will be informed by the past but developed fully through relationships formed with the Gods today. The tenets listed above are to be fulfilled by creating devotional works, including but not limited to prayers, poems, music, visual arts and theological texts. Through the creation of these works, the soul is nourished. Through the sharing of these works, joy and happiness are spread. And through the practice of creating and living the works, balance is sought.