Cintugiamos/Start of Winter Ritual
[Light candle, fire, etc]
As the suns bite wanes
And rain renews the land
We turn to the Regentiâ, who gave so that we may give
We look inward during this time of rest
And in doing so see the mark left by our ancestors
We thank our ancestors who gave us life
From all the lands they hail
And thank them for the sacrifices they gave freely
And in honour to Them, we give and share this meal
[Offer meal]
As the Southern Wind brings cold and rain
And the land greens in greeting
We turn to the father of the Senogalatîs
Who we in turn honour and give offerings
Lord Ogmios, the Great Speaker, Mighty and Wise Hero
In this time of darkness we look to you, psychopomp
Guide the souls and us during the winter
We give this offering in praise and thanks to you
[Give offering]
As the light weakens and the night wins
We give praise to Dêuâ caddâ Noxtos, Holy Goddess of the Night
The nude mother whose cold embrace we turn to in the depths of Giamos
Who gives love and comfort and leaves none wanting
We give this offering to you who gives so freely
[Give offering]
Praise to the Regentiâ
Praise to Ogmios
Praise to Noxtos
Thanks to you all
Dêuoi co te
Cintugiamon dagon ollon
A good Cintugiamos to all
[Light incense]